
Archive for the ‘Poetry’ Category

Pure illusion

As the snow was falling upon the graves,the light in her eyes was slowly fading.She could feel the love no more.There was nothing to believe in anymore,there was no hope for a better dawn anymore.The belief in the purity of this white and frozen snow was torn apart by the cruel reality.This purity was stained with lies,with tears and with the warm blood dripping from her self-caused wounds.

Once,her faith was true,so was her innocence.But when the reality struck right into her heart,heart of an innocent child,her world built upon inoffensive lies crashed on her.The ruins were now covered with snow,but she didn’t care anymore.She didn’t believe anymore in its beauty and purity.She had already tasted from the cursed reality.She understood that the  apparent beauty of snow(in fact,of everything she knew)was just an illusion,a coverage,used to hide the truth.

Knowing that all she believed in was just an illusion,all that she put her hopes in was a lie,there was just one difference between dying in that moment or later:if she died in that cold early morning,she was not forced to endure the life while hiding behind a lie anymore.So,she chose the pathway of decay,hoping for a better world,true purity,not for lethal poisoningwith lies and illusions


(I know it’s August,but i really felt the need to post it)

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Grey tombstones are rising beneath the frozen,cloudy sky.Rain is pouring cold on the crosses.The trees lean their empty branches,like they were trying to touch the dead bodies under the ground.

The stench of death is spreading through the graveyard.All these cadavers lying beneath,skeletons,decaying bodies…Once,they were humans.Once they could feel the pain,they could love,they were breathing.

Now,they are just some cold blooded,lifeless bodies,waiting to decay

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Watching the dawn rising,for the last time.

Silence caressing my cold soul,

The first light of the dawn touching my frozen heart

I’m still paralysed in my empty thoughts,

Mourning for the world that has lost all its innocence.

Your tears now washing my wounds,

While  your eyes are staring,begging me to stay.

Your purity is stained with my endless sins,

So i have to leave.


Alone we die my angel,but together we will fade away.

We burn,our ashes scattered in the wind,

A rose,stained with our blood,

Will bind us in eternity.


Now leaving,with you in my thoughts,

Farewell my demon that i loved,

In death  we’ll be together,

As we were before

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Wind of death is blowing cold

On our faces,putting dust into our eyes.

Fire burning at horizon.

It’s your time to fight with hate,

It’s your time to slay.


War is coming,Death is smiling,

Bring your weapon,prepare to die.

Rise your sword,follow our words,

My brave soldier,this is war!


Bloody fields,frozen grounds,

Fire rising to the sky.

Fallen souls of brave,now gone,

Their mutilated corpses

Lying in the battlefield.


Wounded,still fighting the Devil,

Your death was also foretold.

By your sword so many died,

But your blood will stain the ground,

Ending this cruel war





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I am the end

At night it shall come,

Your death,painful end.

No angel will save you,

The Devil won’t spare you.

Passion for your blood…

Run!I’m coming after you

Hide!This is my game,i’ll find you

Fight!With my sword i’ll take your head.

I’m  your end.

Darkness,my cold realm,

It’s my world,no chance to hide,

I’ll find you and drink your blood.

I’m a demon,with fire in its eyes,

I’m a cold blood killer.

No fear to kill,no fear of death,

It’s always around me.

Your soul will join my army

Of dark fallen souls

Your blood is mine,so is your soul

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Realm of Death

Every sunrise is just a lie.

In the cold night your soul is forever lost,

Searching for a spot of light,but is useless.

Screaming loud,the spirits of darkness

Are longing for salvation.

Growls of demons are haunting

The lands of despair,spreading pain.


This is the realm of Death,

Eternal darkness,frozen,bound in chains,

Deep cuts into your flesh,

Ashes of your soul.

This is the land of Death,

Cold winds are blowing pain,

Waiting for the dawn…never comes.



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The story of life

Our whole life is like a story,so it should be a happy ending story.But,how can it be happy if at the end of the story the main character dies?

Fairytales use to have happy endings and the good characters,supposed to be represented by humans in real life,never die.But we,the good characters of our stories,we die,we end the story in a tragic way.

We live our lives wtihout thinking about the fact that one day we will wake up and everything will be changed because someone we love died,and without thinking that one day the writer of our stories will suddenly stop writting and everything will just….end.

Life is that kind of story that,whatever you do,ends in a wrong and sad way.This is why,as children,we don’t realise what death really means,because children like the happy endings,something that life will never have

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As she dies…

The cold wind of death was blowing on her saddened face.It was blowing away her last breaths and blurring her last scared stare at the burning sky.Death was taking away her last chance to see the warm and peaceful dawn.Her despair was dripping from all her infected wounds while she was waiting for her glorious death.But she was already dead.Her soul was giving its last piece of the shiny and warm glow,calling for her body to follow it in the comforting embrace of death.

She could only feel the sharp claws of pain breaking her heart and then dragging her decayed body in the numbness of shattered bones.The wild kisses of death were stealing her last drops of life and burying her memories in the same deep grave with her body

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Eternal Death(In Memory Of Dead)

Eternal death will take me,

I’ll be gone as soons as the sky is burning,

I’ll be just a ghost in dreams.

I’ll be burning in Hell’s fire,

Eternity of dying.

I’ll be screaming,i’ll be suffering,

An eternity of pain,

Eternity of death.


Blood will fall from all my wounds.

I will drink that deadly poison

And i’ll breathe this poisoned air.

I will die,i’ll let them take my soul.

I’ll give up this mortal life

For eternity of death


In memory of Mayhem vocalist,

Per “Dead” Yngve Ohlin (1969-1991)

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Cerul gri zambeste.Apa rece si intunecata curge lin,mangaindu-mi pielea cu atingerea sa inghetata.Padurile nesfarsite au ruginit iar tot ce-a ramas din ele sunt niste crengi uscate infasurate in praful amintirilor sfaramate si inecate adanc in apa rece.Vantul adie incet si melancolic prin parul meu,soptindu-mi parca vorbe goale,fara suflet si inghetate.Inchid ochii si las frigul sa ma imbratiseze rece.Nu mai simt nimic.Nu mai simt nici durerea ce-mi frangea inima.Nu mai simt nici frigul.Nu mai simt nici apa inghetata atingandu-mi mana.Nimic.Acum privesc spre cerul gri,ii zambesc cu tristete.Ii multumesc pentru momentele frumoase,fericirea ce-mi inunda sufletul -suflet care acum mi-e pierdut in intuneric- si il blestem pentru amaraciunea ce imi rasucea cutitul in rana,si asa prea adanca sa mai pot trai cu ea.

Tresar,in timp ce apa rece imi mangaie pielea,apoi acea ultima zvacnire dispare si se scufunda in adancul intunecat al apeo,odata cu mine si inima mea strivita de durere.Un ultim sarut din partea vantului,apoi totul e bine.N-a mai ramas nimic din amintirile mele,caci ele se sting odata cu mine si se pierd pentru eternitate

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